School Policies
Our school follows the advice given by the Department for Education (DfE) on statutory policies and documents, please click on the link below:
Parents seeking copies of school polices can obtain them by application to the School Office or download them from the links below. The details of our publication scheme can be viewed in our statement on Freedom of Information. School policies are regularly kept under review and updated when ever necessary. Our Health and Safety policies and procedures are reviewed each year by the Redbridge Health and Safety Team. Likewise, all our policies and procedures relating to finance and the expenditure of public funds are subject to an annual audit by the Redbridge Audit Team.
Governors' Written Statement of Behaviour Principles 22
Charging and Remissions Policy 2023
Child Protection Policy & Procedures
Keeping Children Safe in Education Sept
Equality policy & action plan March 2023
RSHE Policy (Relationships & Sex Education)
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability Report
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and replaces the previous Data Protection Directives that were in place. It was approved by the EU Parliament in 2016 and comes into effect on 25th May 2018.
GDPR states that personal data should be ‘processed fairly & lawfully’ and ‘collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes’ and that an individual’s data should not be processed without their knowledge but only with their ‘explicit’ consent. GDPR covers personal data relating to individuals. Newbury Park Primary School is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of childrens', parents’, visitors’ and staff personal data.
The General Data Protection Regulation gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly.
Click here to view your rights under Data Protection Law
Who This Privacy Notice Applies to?
Newbury Park Primary school is deemed to be the “data controller” for all personal information processed by staff, students and suppliers – (as defined in UK general data protection legislation).
Please click on the links to view policies and procedures relating to GDPR:
Privacy Notice - Parents/Carers & Pupils
School Subject Access Request Procedure 2022