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Newbury Park Primary School

Governor Information

The governing body has a wide range of duties and responsibilities to support and manage the school.

In September 2018,  governors decided to re-constitute the membership of the governing body. The purpose of this change was to allow governors to focus more clearly on developing the strategic direction of the school. The new structure for the governing body came into effect from 1st November 2018.

Parent governors   2
LA appointed governors (vacancies) 2
Co-opted governors 3
Staff governor 1
Headteacher 1

All governors serve a term of 4 years with the exception of the Headteacher.  In addition to the changes to membership, the pattern of meetings has been changed.  The Full Governing Body committee meet once a term.  In April of this year (2019) a Resources sub committee was formed. In October of this year (2023) the Curriculum and Standards sub committee was reinstated.   The sub committees will also meet termly. Each governor has a particular role and responsibility and conducts monitoring activities in relation to this over the course of the academic year.  The committee members will report back to the full Board each term at the formal meeting.

We currently have two LA governor vacancy.

Register of Interests

At the start of each academic year, all Governors must sign a register of business/pecuniary interests disclosing any relevant business interests and details of any other educational establishments they govern. They must also set out any relationships between governors and members of school staff including spouses, partners and relatives.

 Please click on the links below to see membership details and attendance:-

Governing Body Details

Parents can contact the governing body by writing to:

Chair of governors, c/o Newbury Park Primary School.

Copies of approved minutes of Governing Body meetings are available on request from the school office.

Dates for forthcoming Governing Body  meetings

9.10.24 4pm Full Governing Body  All (in person)
23.10.24- Rescheduled 11.12.24 8am Resources (HR & Finance) Committee (remotely)
20.11.24 8am  Curriculum and Community  Committee  (remotely)
22.1.25 4pm Full Governing Body  All (in person)
5.2.25 8am Resources (HR and Finance) Committee (remotely)
26.3.25 8am Curriculum and Community Committee (remotely
30.4.25 4pm Resources (Budget) Committee (in person)
30.4.25 5.15pm Full Governing Body (Budget) All (in person)
11.6.25 8am Curriculum and Community Committee (remotely)
25.6.25 8am Full Governing Body All (in person)