Our guiding principle is one of inclusion and we aim to provide Quality First Teaching for all our pupils. This includes appropriate differentiation for individual pupils, high quality resources and effective use of additional adult support. We aim to identify and break down possible barriers to learning so that all our pupils experience success. This does not mean treating all pupils equally; it means treating all pupils as individuals and ensuring they have the required provision to achieve the best possible progress.
Our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy details how we ensure that the needs of all our pupils with special educational needs are met.
When carrying out our duties towards our pupils with SEN, we have regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015.
Pupils with Disability
The school aims to identify and remove barriers to disabled staff, pupils and parents and to promote their participation in every area of school life.
The organisation and implementation of teaching and learning for all pupils at Newbury Park strives to:
- set suitable learning challenges;
- respond to pupils’ diverse needs;
- overcome potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.
- promote positive attitudes towards disability.
Our Accessibility Plan sets out the actions that we shall be taking over the next few years to improve the access in the school for those with a disability. (The Accessibility Plan is currently under review)
Please see policies, procedures and useful links below:
Special Educational Needs and Disability 2023Special Educational Needs Information Report 2023
FIND specialise in providing information and advice on a wide range of issues that impact on family life – from childcare and childcare funding; activities for children and young people through to care and support services available for when the going gets tough! The local SEND offer can be found on this website.
FIND - Redbridge Family Services
Redbridge Information, Advice and Support Service (RIASS) is here to offer a free and impartial service to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers.